The original of this gas tank cars have been already built around 1893. In 1851, Julius Pintsch invented the fat gas (oil gas also called).
Pintsch gas was a compressed gas derived from distilled naphtha (petroleum ether) and designed specially for the interior lighting of the passenger cars. Pintsch AG began installing lights in Prussian railroad cars in 1869.
This oil gas was transported in pressure containers (stored under pressures of 9-10 atmospheres) so that the gas tanks could be kept small at the cars and lighting duration from 30 to 40 hours made possible. For the transport of the gas to the stations, which did not have own fat gas production plants, the tank gas cars served.
Pintsch gas was a very popular solution world-wide for illumination of buoys, beacons and unmanned lighthouses. Pintsch gas was still used in lighthouses and beacons long after it was replaced by electricity.
MINITRIX 15135 Gas Tank Cars SetFiligrane reproduction of the flanges and armatures.
Close coupling
Road numbers 500051, 500055, 500059 München
Set overall length: 151 mm
Released in: 2002-2003